Highlights from The Power of VR (CenteredVR).
Brain animation from The Power of VR (CenteredVR). I created the flowers, sign, and gears. The brain was a free model. I did retopology and texturing work on it.
The Power of VR is a 3 DoF VR experience I designed at BehaVR in 2020-2021 using Unity Timeline. It is an immersive short film about how virtual reality can be used to reduce and manage stress. The first version was created for NurtureVR—a maternal health and wellness program created in collaboration with Women’s Health Institute at Hoag. Another variation was created for CenteredVR—a stress reduction program created in collaboration with Johns Hopkins Medicine. The Power of VR serves as an introduction to both programs, outlining how virtual reality is a powerful tool for teaching new information and skills. I storyboarded and designed both versions of the experience, and created most of art. I modeled, textured, rigged, and animated the avatar representations of two clinical spokespersons—one from Hoag, another from Johns Hopkins. I also did facial rigging and lip sync animation on both characters. The target platform was the now retired Oculus Go headset, and the Pico G2. I optimized all of the art assets to ensure that the experience performs well on mobile. Copyright © BehaVR, Inc.